What are the career options open for me post graduation?

After graduation a student can make a career in journalism as B.A. (H) in English improves communication skills. After graduation/postgraduation, one can join publishing industry and may rise to the coveted position of an editor. A student can also choose a career in teaching. A student can also become a writer as a prolonged exposure to literature helps students develop his/her creative skills.

What is the structure of the course?

What should I expect from the course?

The Bachelors Course in English will take you from Western and Indian classical to contemporary world literature and literary discourse in English. We shall read numerous texts in original English (Middle and modern) and in English translation. If literature beckons you to discovery of the self and the world, this course is fortunate to engage with you. We are an involved community of scholars and researchers at ZHDC English Department and we are glad you have decided to become a part of us.

What kind of skills would I need as prerequisite (if any)?

A predilection for literature, especially British literature and good writing skill will be really helpful in this course.

Can I take up English Hons as a backup option? For example, if I'm preparing for something else but join this course, just to be safe?

It is advisable not to take up English Hons as a backup course. It is very demanding. A student is required to read a whole range of literary genres, such as poetry, drama, novel and short-stories.

Is it a light/manageable course?


Will this course improve my vocabulary, grammar, fluency, pronunciation, etc?

Please note that we teach literature not grammar in this course. An extensive reading of literary texts in this course will certainly improve the vocabulary of a student.

For any other query, please fill the contact form (left bottom of the page) with your question. We will get back to you.