

The CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) UG structure of DU Courses was introduced in 2015 with some significant changes in the University course structure. Aspirants can go through the links provided below to get a better understanding of the English Course Structure while applying to Delhi University for the 2016 Admissions.

The CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) UG Course Scheme
It allows for students to choose specific courses from the prescribed format comprising core, elective/minor or skill based courses. A grading system is used for evaluation.

Structure of B. A. Honours English under CBCS Core Course Paper Titles:

Semester I
1. Indian Classical Literature
2. European Classical Literature
Semester II
3. Indian Writing in English
4. British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries
Semester III
5. American Literature
6. Popular Literature
7. British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries
Semester IV
8. British Literature: 18th Century
9. British Romantic Literature
10. British Literature: 19th Century
Semester V
11. Women’s Writing
12. British Literature: The Early 20th Century
Semester VI
13. Modern European Drama
14. Postcolonial Literatures

Discipline Centric Elective (Any four) Paper Titles

Semester V
1. Modern Indian Writing in English Translation
2. Literature of the Indian Diaspora
3. British Literature: Post World War II
4. Nineteenth Century European Realism
5. Literary Criticism
6. Science fiction and Detective Literature

Semester VI
7. Literature and Cinema
8. World Literatures
9. Literary Theory
10. Partition Literature
11. Research Methodology
12. Travel writing
13. Autobiography

Generic Elective (Any four) Paper Titles (For Hons. students other than BA Hons. English):

1. Academic Writing and Composition
2. Media and Communication Skills
3. Text and Performance
4. Language and Linguistics
5. Contemporary India: Women and Empowerment
6. Language, Literature and Culture
7. Readings on Indian Diversities and Literary Movements

Ability Enhancement Course (Compulsory) Paper Titles:

1. Environmental Study
2. English/MIL Communication

Skill Enhancement Course (Any two) Paper Titles:

1. English Language Teaching  
2. Soft Skills
3. Translation Studies
4. Creative Writing
5. Business Communication
6. Technical Writing

Click here for the detailed DU CBCS UG English Hons Syllabus.

Structure of B.A./B.Com. Programme under CBCS paper titles:

The English Department also offers electives to students from the B.A. Programme and B.Com Programme.
The structure of the Programme under CBCS English is as follows:

Semester 1
AECC: English Communication Skills/MIL/EVS
DSC 1A: The Individual and Society.

Semester 2
AECC: English Communication Skills/MIL/EVS
DSC 1B: Selections (poems, short stories) from Modern Indian Literature

Semester 3
DSC 1C: British Literature
SEC -1: 

Semester 4
DSC 1D: Literary Cross Currents
Selections from Living Literatures-An Anthology of Prose and Poetry Eds.Vinay Sood, et al. Orient Longman

Semester 5
DSE-1A: Soft Skills
GE-1: Gender and Human Rights/Contemporary India: Women and Empowerment

Semester 6
SEC- 4: 
DSE-1B: Academic Writing
GE -2: Cultural Diversity

The link to the detailed DU CBCS UG Syllabus page, which will provide a more detailed overview of the syllabus, is provided below: